





  • 1983-1989:西安第四军医大学军医系,临床医学,医学学士

  • 1991-1993:西安第四军医大学解剖教研室,人体解剖学,硕士

  • 1994-1996;日本京都大学医学部高级脑形态学讲座,论文博士

  • 1996-1999:西安第四军医大学解剖教研室,人体解剖学和组织胚胎学,博士


  • 1989-1999:西安第四军医大学解剖教研室,助教,讲师

  • 1999-2003:西安第四军医大学神经科学研究所,副教授

  • 2000-2001:美国北卡罗莱那医学院细胞生物和解剖学系,博士后

  • 2001-2004:美国圣路易市华盛顿大学麻醉系,博士后

  • 2004-2009:中国科学院神经科学研究所, 研究员 

  • 2009-2019: 同济大学特聘教授,解剖与神经生物学系主任,同济大学动物中心主任

  • 2020-现在:复旦大学特聘教授,实验动物科学部主任,脑科学研究院PI


  • 2008-现在,《Development, Growth and differentiation》编辑

  • 2011-现在,《Scientific Report》编辑

  • 2008-2015, 中国神经科学会发育与再生分会副主任

  • 2010-现在,《解剖学报》编委

  • 2010-现在,《中国细胞化学与组织化学杂志》编委

  • 2012-2020,上海市神经科学会,理事

  • 2014-现在,《Frontiers in Neuroanatomy》编委

  • 2014-现在,《Chemical Neuroanatomy》编委

  • 2015-2024,中国神经科学会,理事

  • 2020-2024,中国神经科学会神经毒素分会主任委员

  • 2019-现在,上海实验动物学会副理事长


  1. 自然科学基金面上项目,题目:神经激肽B受体在大鼠中枢神经系统内的分布及其升压机制的研究。编号39600045,9.6万元,1997-1999, 课题负责人

  2. 教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划, 12万元,2000年,课题负责人

  3. 自然科学基金面上项目,题目:大鼠脑桥排尿反射传入通路的形态学和电生理学研究。编号39970377,13.5万元, 2000.1-2002.12, 课题负责人

  4. 中科院动物模型专项基金, 60万,2008,课题负责人

  5. 科技部“973”项目,“生殖与发育专项”,干细胞命运决定的分子调控网络,编号2006CB943903,100万元,2007-2010,学术骨干

  6. 科技部“973”项目,脑结构与功能的可塑性研究,编号2006CB806601,250万,2006-2009,课题组长

  7. 中科院三期创新项目,编号12030303030KSCX1-YW,100万,子课题负责人

  8. 科技部“重大新药创制”,抗抑郁药药效学评价及其神经可塑性机理研究关键技术,编号2009ZX09501-030, 173万,2009-2011,子课题负责人

  9. 国家留学基金委,中英博士生教育及科研合作伙伴关系项目,编号201301310049,2013-2015,中方负责人

  10. 基金委重点项目,皮层神经元树突自我回避和轴突导向,编号31030034,200万, 2011-2014,负责人

  11. 自然科学基金重大专项“情绪和记忆的神经网络基础”的培育项目,题目:抑郁和恐惧记忆与中枢5羟色胺,编号91232724,120万,2013-2015

  12. 科技部973项目,题目:神经变性性疾病的分子机制,编号2011CB510000, 75万,2013-2015,骨干

  13. 自然科学基金动物模型专项,题目:一种新型可诱导沉寂特定神经回路的小鼠模型的鉴定和应用,编号81571332,148万,2016-2018


  1. 中科院“Hundred-Talent Program”,200万,2004-2007,结题(评为优秀)

  2. 中科院“国家百篇优博获得者”科研奖励基金,40万,2005

  3. 国家杰出青年基金,发育神经生物学,编号30525014,160万,2006-2009

  4. 上海市“浦江人才”计划,编号06PJ14116,金额25万,2006-2007,负责人

  5. 上海市“优秀学科带头人”项目,中枢神经系统内5羟色胺系统与精神类疾病,编号12XD1404800, 40万,2012-2014

  6. 科技部干细胞专项,题目:小分子化合物所诱导的体细胞重编程及其分子机制,编号2017YFA0104000,分题负责人,分题共892万,2017-2021

  7. 上海市科委国际合作项目,PTEN与抑郁症关系研究,编号1949714300,50万,2018-2021

  8. 上海市卫生健康委2020年协同创新集群,基于生命早期千天计划的发育源性疾病的病因与防治研究,编号2020CXJQ01,750万,2021-2025


  1. 2001,陕西省优秀博士论文 

  2. 2001,教育部全国百篇优秀博士论文 

  3. 2001,中国人民解放军总后勤部科技新星

  4. 2007,入选国家新世纪“百千万人才工程” 

  5. 2007,上海市科技“领军人物”称号 

  6. 2009,国务院政府特殊津贴,

  7. 2012,上海市“优秀学术带头人”

  8. 1998,军队科技进步二等奖,题目:神经系统内阿片受体的形态学研究。第一完成人(共4人) 

  9. 2002,军队科技进步二等奖,题目:延髓背角和脊髓内P物质受体的形态学研究。第二完成人(共6人) 

  10. 2009,国家科技进步一等奖,题目:神经病理性痛模型的创建及其在镇痛机制和治疗研究中的应用。第四完成人(共15人)

  11. 入选爱思维尔出版集团发布的2014-2019年中国神经科学高引用学者榜。


曾为Development,Cerebral cortex, Transgenic Research,Brain Research, Brain Research Bulletin, Developmental Dynamics, Neuroscience Research, Genesis, The Anatomical Record,PlosOne, BMC Nephrology等杂志审稿。




  • 2006,日本生物发育学年会大会特邀报告,日本神户。题目:转录因子Lmx1b和中脑发育

  • 2007,德国Wuerzburg大学,题目:转录因子Lmx1b和脑发育

  • 2007,澳大利亚昆士兰大学脑研究院。题目:转录因子Lmx1b和脑发育及脑功能

  • 2010,中英小鼠功能基因组会议,Oxford,英国。题目:转录因子Lmx1b与脑发育

  • 2012,德国鲁尔大学,德国波鸿。题目:转录因子Lmx1b与脑发育

  • 2013,英国Aberdeen大学,题目:转录因子Lmx1b与脑发育和脑功能

  • 2013,中国解剖学会大会特邀报告,郑州,题目:大脑皮层发育

  • 2014,中国第二届抑郁症大会特邀报告,长沙。题目:重新认识5羟色胺缺乏与抑郁症-动物模型研究

  • 2014,China-Canada Joint Workshop on “Depression”,成都,2014年。题目:重新认识5羟色胺缺乏与抑郁症-动物模型研究

  • 2015,XXIV届国际形态学大会,Serotonin circuits and functions, 伊斯坦布尔,土耳其


  1. Ding YQ, Wang YQ, Qin BZ, Li JS (1993). The major pelvic ganglion is the main source of nitric oxide synthase-containing nerve fibers in penile erectile tissue of the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 164:187-189. 

  2. Lu Y, Ding YQ, Qin BZ, Li JS (1994). The distribution and origin of axon terminals with NADPH diaphorase acitivity in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 171:70-72. 

  3. Ding YQ, Qin BZ, Li JS, Mizuno N (1994). Induction of c-fos-like protein in the spinoparabrachial tract-neurons locating in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus in the rat. Brain Res., 659:283-286. 

  4. Ding YQ, Takada M, Kaneko T, Mizuno N (1995). Colocalization of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and nitric oxide in penis-innervating neurons in the major pelvic ganglion of the rat. Neurosci. Res., 22:129-131. 

  5. Ding YQ, Takada M, Shigemoto R, Mizuno N (1995). Spinoparabrachial tract neurons showing substance P receptor-like immunoreactivity in the lumbar spinal cord of the rat. Brain Res., 674:336-340. 

  6. Ding YQ, Takada M, Shigemoto R, Mizuno N (1995). Trigemninoparabrachial tract neurons showing substance P receptor-like immunoreactivity in the rat. Neurosci. Res., 23:415-418.

  7. Lu Y, Jin SX, Xu TL, Qin BZ, Li JS, Ding YQ, Shigemoto R, Mizuno N (1995). Expression of c-fos protein in substance P receptor-like immunoreactive neurons in response to noxious stimuli on the urinary bladder: an observation in the lumbosacral cord segment of the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 198:139-142.

  8. Ding YQ, Nomura S, Kaneko T, Mizuno N (1995) Presynaptic localization of -opioid receptor-like immunoreactivity in retinal axon terminals within the terminal nuclei of the accessory optic tract: a light and electron microscope study in the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 199:139-142.

  9. Ding YQ, Nomura S, Kaneko T, Mizuno N (1995). Co-localization of -opioid receptor-like and substance P-like immunoreactivities in axonal terminals within the superficial layers of the medullary and spinal dorsal horns of the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 198:45-48.

  10. Ding YQ, Takada M, Tokuno H, Mizuno N (1995). Direct projections from the dorsolateral potine tegmentum to pudendal motoneurons innervating the exteranl urethral sphincter muscle in the rat. J. Comp. Neurol., 357:318-330.

  11. Ohishi Hi, Nomura S, Ding YQ, Shigemoto R, Wada E, Kinoshita A, Li JL, Neki A, Nakanishi S, Mizuno N (1995). Presynaptic localization of a metabotropic glutamate receptor, mGlu7, in the primary afferent neurons: an immunohistochemical study in the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 202:85-88.

  12. Ding YQ, Shigemoto R, Tadada M, Ohishi H, Nakanishi S, Mizuno N (1996). Localization of neuromedin K receptor in the central nervous system of the rat. J. Comp. Neurol., 364:290-310.

  13. Ding YQ, Kaneko T, Nomura S, Mizuno N (1996). Immunohistochemical localization of -opioid receptor in the central nervous system of the rat. J. Comp. Neurol., 367:375-402.

  14. Nomura S, Ding YQ, Kaneko T, Mizuno N (1996). Localization of -opioid receptor-like immunoreactivity in the central components of the vagus nerve: a light and electron microscope study in the rat. Neuroscience, 73:277-286.

  15. Li JL, Ding YQ, Shigemoto R, Mizuno N (1996). Distribution of trigemnothalamic and spinothalamic-tract neurons showing substance P receptor-like immunoreactivity in the rat. Brain Res., 719:207-212.

  16. Gong LW, Ding YQ, Wang D Zheng HX, Qin BZ, Li JS, Kaneko T, Mizuno N (1997). GABAergic synapses on -opioid receptor-expressing neurons in the superficial dorsal horn: an electron microscope study in the cat spinal cord. Neurosci. Lett., 277:33-36.

  17. Lu Y, Zheng HX, Ding YQ, Gong LW, Qin BZ, Li JS (1997). Coexistence of -opioid receptor-like and substance P-like immunoreactivities in the cat dorsal root ganglionic neurons. J. Brain Res., 38:243-246.

  18. Mann P, Southwell B, Ding YQ, Shigemoto R, Mizuno N, Furness J (1997). Localization of neurokinin 3 (NK3) receptor immunoreactivity in the rat gastrointestinal tract. Cell Tissue Res., 289:1-9.

  19. Chen LW, Guan ZL, Ding YQ (1997). Neurokinin B receptor (NK3)-positive neurons expressing c-fos after chemical noxious stimulation on the peritoneum: a double staining study in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the rat. J. Brain Res., 38:363-367.

  20. Ding YQ, Zheng HX, Gong LW, Lu Y, Zhao H, Qin BZ (1997). Direct projections from the lumbosacral spinal cord to Barrington’s nucleus in the rat: a special reference to micturition reflex. J. Comp. Neurol., 389:149-160.

  21. Seybold VS, Grkpvic I, Portbury AI, Ding YQ, Shigemoto R, Mizuno N, Furness JB, Southwell BR (1997). Relationship of NK3 receptor-immunoreactivity to subpopulations of neurons in rat spinal cord. J. Comp. Neurol., 381:439-448.

  22. Chen LW, Guan ZL, Ding YQ (1998). Mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons expressing neuromedin K receptor (NK3): a double immunocytochemical study in the rat. Brain Res., 780:150-154.

  23. Li JL, Ding YQ, Xiong KH, Li JS, Shigemoto R, Mizuno N (1998). Substance P receptor (NK1)-immunoreactive neurons projecting to the periaquedutal gray: distribution in the spinal cord and trigeminal nucleus of the rat. Neurosci. Res., 30:219-225.

  24. Guan ZL, Ding YQ, Li JL, Lu BZ (1998). Substance P receptor-expressing neurons in the medullary and spinal dorsal horns projecting to the nucleus of the solitary tract in the rat. Neurosci. Res., 30:213-218.

  25. Ding YQ, Wang D, Nie H, Guan ZL, Lu BZ, Li JS (1998). Direct projections from the periaqueductal gray to pontine micturition center neurons projecting to the lumbosacral spinal cord segment: an electron microscope study in the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 242:97-100.

  26. Ding YQ, Li JL, Lu BZ, Wang D, Zhang Mi, Li JS (1998). Co-localization of -opioid receptor-like immuoreactivity (-LI) with substance P-LI, calcitonin gene-related peptide-LI and nitric oxide synthase-LI in vagal and glossopharyngeal afferent neurons of the rat. Brain Res., 792:149-153.

  27. Ding YQ, Lu BZ, Guan ZL, Wang DS, Xu JQ Li JH (1999). Neurokinin B receptor-containing neurons in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus of the rat synthesize vasopressin and express Fos following intravenous injection of hypertonic saline. Neuroscience, 91:1077-1085.

  28. Ding YQ, Zheng HX, Wang DS, Xu JQ (1999). Localization of Barrington’s nucleus in the pontine dorsolateral tegmentum of the rabbit. J. Brain Res., 39:375-381.

  29. Ding YQ, Zheng HX, Wang DS, Xu JQ, Gong LW, Lu Y, Shi J, Li HL, Li JS, Shigemoto R, Kaneko T, Mizuno N (1999). The distribution of substance P receptor (NK1)-like immunoreactive neurons in the newborn and adult human spinal cord. Neurosci. Lett., 266:133-136.

  30. Ding YQ, Shi J, Wang DS, Xu JQ, Li JL, Ju G (1999). Primary afferent fibers of the pelvic nerve terminate in the gracile nucleus of the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 272:211-214.

  31. Ding YQ, Wang D Xu JQ, Ju G (1999). Direct projections from the medial preoptic area to spinall-projecting neurons in Barrington’s nucleus: an electron microscope study in the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 270:175-178.

  32. Ding YQ, Shi J, Su LY, Xu JQ, Su CJ, Guo XE, Ju G (2000). Intracerebroventricular injection of senktide induced Fos expression in the vasopressin-containing hypothalamic neurons of the rat. Brain Res., 882:95-102.

  33. Chen LW, Wei L., Ding YQ, Zhang H., Rao ZR., Ju G (2001). Cholinergic neurons expressing neuromedin K receptor NK(3) in the basal forebrain of the rat: a double immunofluorescence study. Neuroscience, 103(2):413-22.

  34. Ding YQ, Lu CR, Wang H, Su CJ, Chen LW, Zhang YQ, Ju G (2002). Two major distinct subpopulations of neurokinin-3 receptor-expressing neurons in the superficial dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord. Eur. J. Neurosci., 16:551-556.

  35. Wang H, Zhang YQ, Ding YQ, Zhang JS (2002). Localization of neurokinin B receptor in mouse gastrointestinal tract. World. J. Gastroenterol, 8:172-175.

  36. Xu Z, Wang BR, Ding YQ, Kuang F, Wang X, Duan XL, Jiao XY and Ju G (2002). Extracellular signal-regulated kinases1/2 in neurons of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and nucleus of the solitary tract are activated by noxious visceral stimulus in mice. Neurosci. Lett., 334:103-106.

  37. Liu RJ, Ding YQ, Aghajanian G (2002). Neurokinins activate local glutamatergic inputs to serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus. Neuropsychopharmacology, 27:329-340.

  38. Wang X, Wang BR, Duan XL, Zhang P, Ding YQ, Jia Y, Ju G (2002). Interleukin-1 reptor typeis strongly expressed in carotid body in the rat. J histochem. Cytoche, 50,1677-1684.

  39. Ding YQ, Yin J, Xu HM, Jackquin M.F, Chen ZF (2003). Formation of whisker-related PrV-based lemniscal pathway requires a paired homeodomain transcription factor, Drg11. J Neurosci., 23:7246-7254.

  40. Ding YQ, Marklund U, Yuan W, Yin J, Wegman L, Ericson J, Deneris E, Johson RL, Chen ZF (2003). Lmx1b is essential for the development of serotonergic neurons. Nature Neurosci., 6:933-938.

  41. Ding YQ, Yin J, Kania A, Zhao ZQ, Johnson RL, Chen ZF (2004). Lmx1b controls the differentiation and migration of the superficial dorsal horn neurons of the spinal cord. Development, 131:3693-3703.

  42. Ding YQ, Kim JY, Xu YS, Rao Y, Chen ZF (2005). Ventral migration of early-born neurons requires Dcc and is essential for the projections of primary afferents in the spinal cord. Development, 132:2047-5206. 

  43. Ding YQ, Xiang CX, Chen ZF (2005). Generation and characterization of the PKCr-Cre mouse line. Genesis, 43:28-33.

  44. Xie Y, Ding YQ, Hong Y, Feng Z, Navarre S, Xi CX, Zhu XJ, Wang CL, Ackerman SL, Kozlowski D, Mei L, Xiong WC (2005). Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein-alpha in netrin-1-induced PLC signalling and neurite outgrowth. Nat. Cell Biol., 7:1124-1132.

  45. Zhu X, Wang C, Dai P, Xie Y, Song N, Liu Y, Du Q, Mei L, Ding YQ, Xiong W (2007). Myosin X regulates netrin receptors and functions in axonal path-finding. Nat. Cell Biol., 9: 184-192.

  46. Guo C, Qiu HY, Huang Y, Chen H, Yang R, Chen S, Johnson R, Chen Z, Ding YQ (2007). Lmx1b is essential for Fgf8 and Wnt1 expression in the isthmic organizer during tectum and cerebellum development in mice. Development, 134: 317-325.

  47. Chen F, Qian L, Yang ZH, Huang Y, Ngo ST, Ruan NJ, Wang J, Schneider C, Noakes PG, Ding YQ, Mei L, Luo ZG (2007). Rapsyn interaction with calpain stabilizes AChR clusters at the neuromuscular junction. Neuron, 55, 247-260.

  48. Wang C, Shi M, Yang L, Yang R, Luo Z, Jacquin M, Chen Z., Ding YQ (2007). Development of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus requires a paired homeodomain transcription factor, Drg11. Mol Cell Neurosci., 35:368-76.

  49. Wang CL, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Zhou J, Yang XJ, Duan Sm, Xiong ZQ, Ding YQ (2007). Activity-dependent development of callosal projections in the somatosensory cortex. J Neurosci, 27:11334-11342.

  50. Chen G, Sima J, Jin M, Wang KY, Xue XJ, Zheng W, Ding YQ, Yuan XB (2008). Semaphorin-3A guides radial migration of cortical neurons during development. Nat Neurosci, 11(1):36-44.

  51. Zhao GY, Li ZY, Zou HL, Hu ZL, Song NN, Zheng, MH, Su CJ, Ding YQ (2008). Expression of the transcription factor GATA3 in the postnatal mouse central nervous system. Neurosci. Res., 61: 420–428.

  52. Qiu HY, Guo C, Cheng XW, Huang Y, Xiong ZQ, Ding YQ (2008) Pitx3-CreER mice showing restricted Cre expression in developing ocular lens and skeletal muscles. Genesis, 46:324-328. 

  53. Dai JX, Hu ZL, Shi M, Guo C, Ding YQ (2008). Postnatal ontogeny of the transcription factor Lmx1b in the mouse central nervous system. J. Comp. Neurol., 509:341-355. 

  54. Zhou J, Du W, Zhou K, Tai Y, Yao H, Jia Y, Ding, YQ, and Wang Y (2008). Critical role of TRPC6 channels in the formation of excitatory synapses. Nat. Neurosci. , 11:741-743.

  55. Zhang Y, Yang Z, Cao Y, Zhang S, Li H, Huang Y, Ding YQ, Liu X (2008). The Hsp40 family chaperone protein DnaJB6 enhances Schlafen1 nuclear localization which is critical for promotion of cell-cycle arrest in T-cells. Biochem J., 413:239-50.

  56. DaiJX , Han,HL, Tian M, Cao J, Xiu JB, Song NN, Huang Y, Xu TL, Ding YQ, Xu L (2008). Enhanced contextual fear memory in central serotonin-deficient mice. Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA., 105: 11981-11986.

  57. Shi M, Guo C, Dai JX, Ding YQ (2008). DCC is required for the tangential migration of noradrenergic neurons in locus coeruleus of mouse brain. Mol Cell Neurosci, 39:529-538.

  58. Dai JX, Johnson RL, Ding YQ (2009). Manifold functions of the Nail-Patella Syndrome gene Lmx1b in vertebrate development. Dev.Growth Differ., 51:241-50. Invited review

  59. Yang Z, Zhu X, Huang Y, Ding YQ, Liu X (2009). Znhit1 causes cell cycle arrest and down-regulates CDK6 expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 386(1):146-52. 

  60. Yin M, Liu SX, Yin YQ, Li S, Li, ZH, Wu, XF, Zhang B, Ang S-L, Ding YQ, Zhou J (2009). Ventral mesencephalon-enriched genes that regulate the development of dopaminergic neurons in vivo. J Neurosci, 29:5170-5182.

  61. Zheng MH, Shi M, Pei Z, Gao F, Han H, Ding YQ (2009). The transcription factor RBP-J is essential for retinal cell differentiation and lamination. Mol Brain, 2:38.

  62. Liu ZR, Shi M, Hu ZL, Zheng MH, Du F, Zhao G, Ding YQ (2010). A refined map of early gene expression in the dorsal rhombomere 1 of mouse embryos. Brain Res Bull, 82:74-82.

  63. Xie Z, Ma X, Ji W, Zhou G, Xiang Z, Zhang L, Hu Y, Ding YQ, Zhang W (2010). Zbtb20 is essential for the specification of CA1 field identity in the developing hippocampus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 107:6510-6515.

  64. Shi M, Zheng MH, Liu ZR, HU ZL, Huang Y, Chen JY, Zhao G, Han H, Ding YQ (2010). DCC is specifically required for the survival of retinal ganglion and displaced amacrine cells in the developing mouse retina. Dev Biol, 348:87-96.

  65. Kriegebaum C, Song NN, Gutknecht L, Huang Y, Schmitt A, Reif A, Ding YQ, Lesch KP (2010). Brain-specific conditional and time-specific inducible Tph2 knockout mice possess normal serotonergic gene expression in the absence of serotonin during adult life. Neurochem Int, 57:512-7. 

  66. Zheng, MH, Zhang, ZF, Zhao, XC, Ding YQ, Hua H (2010). The Notch signaling pathway in retinal dysplasia and retina vascular homeostasis. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 37: 573-582.

  67. Song NN, Xiu JB, Huang Y, Chen JY, Zhang L, Gutknecht L, Lesch KP, Li H, Ding YQ (2011). Adult raphe-specific deletion of Lmx1b leads to central serotonin deficiency. PLoS ONE, 6: e:15998. 

  68. Shi M, Liu Z, Lv Y, Zheng M, Du F, Zhao G, Huang Y, Chen JY, Han H, Ding YQ (2011). Forced Notch signaling inhibits commissural axon outgrowth in the developing chick central nerve system. PLoS ONE, 6: e14570. 

  69. Hu ZL, Shi M, Huang Y, Zheng MH, Pei Z, Chen JY, Han H, Ding YQ (2011). The role of the transcription factor Rbpj in the development of dorsal root ganglia. Neural Dev, 6:14.

  70. Huang Y, Zhang L, Song NN, Hu ZL, Chen JY, Ding YQ (2011). Distribution of Satb1 in the central nervous system of adult mice. Neurosci Res, 71:12-21.

  71. Zhang L, Song NN, Chen JY, Huang Y, Li H, Ding YQ (2012). Satb2 is required for dendritic arborization and soma spacing in mouse cerebral cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 22:1510-1519.

  72. Du Y, Liu B, Guo F, Xu G, Ding YQ, Liu Y, Sun X, Xu G (2012). The essential role of Mbd5 in the regulation of somatic growth and glucose homeostasis in mice. PLoS ONE, 7:e47358.

  73. Hu ZL, Huang Y, Tao XR, Qi ZH, Chen JY, Ding YQ (2012). Inducible Prrxl1-CreER(T2) recombination activity in the somatosensory afferent pathway. Genesis, 250:552-60. 

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